Saturday, December 25, 2010
Juicy Couture Laptop Case15''
thank you.
thank you.
all the people we are friendly.
participate in our living.
a piece to go with us.
to give us a friendly smile.
for everything we want to say thank you
Friday, December 10, 2010
Spectrobes Beyond The Portals Vilakroma Cheats

♥ Kleine Federöhrchen.
♥ Tiny Ear Tufts.
♥ Tiny ear tufts.

♥ Runde Knopfaugen.
♥ Round button eyes.
♥ round button eyes.

♥ Ein Schäbelchen zum Schnabel.
♥ Beakybeak.
♥ Cute cam.

♥ Die neuen Bewohner meiner neuen Magnettafel; alter Leinenstoff einm Stück auf Metall. Wäscheknopfe auf den kleinen aber KRAFTIG Supermagneten halten was aus!
♥ The new friends is my new magnetic board; old linen cloth is a simple piece of metal. Buttons decorate the small but Powerful super magnets.
♥ New asukkaamme new magneettitaulullani; a piece of old linen cloth with a piece of metal. Buttons adorned with small, but super-strong magnets.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Letter To A Friend Who Is Depressed

Oh yes, I'm still here. It is a bit turbulent with the Christmas shows and the daily chaos. This year I try to address it as quietly last year, I've been sick almost the whole of December - one reason was certainly the stress. We will now move differently. I sewed a light bag that will remember. It burns on the shelf between the dining area and kitchen - where I can see
Oh yes, I'm still here. It is a bit turbulent with the Christmas bazars plus the daily chaos. This year I try to take it easier than last year: I was sick almost the whole of December - one reason was certainly the stress. I will take it all slowlier... I made a tiny light bag that will help me remember it. It burns on the shelf between the dining area and kitchen - where can I see it a
Oh, of course, I am still here. Now it is a bit Borodajenko from Latvia joulumyyjäisten all kinds of ... and with the daily chaos. This year, I try to take a bit more relaxed than last year, then was sick almost the whole of December - one reason was certainly traumatic stress disorder. N employee, therefore, a different way. I made myself a little bit of a lantern that is similar. Tealight return to the shelf of the dining room and kitchen, between - what I can see it one hundred
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Pattycake Online Masterbate
A ♥ thank you to all the nice people I got to know yesterday!
A reunion at the Christmas Bazaar Finland Friends of Lower Austria in St. Pölten on 8.12. in "The Villa "? I am very happy!
HERE there are more events from the Finnish group in Austria - welcome!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Free Game That I Can Get Pregnant On
![]() |
: vintage cardi gy baby cocktails wanted: rowan silk wool |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thriat Infecction Cbc

"Christmas is coming always so sudden. In the midst of all the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle we always need to take a moment ... rest and a companion, we can always make a little bit of Christmas in and around the heart. The remind us what Christmas can be, before we risk completely exhausted to plop under the tree, things like scented warmth, small candle in a mysterious darkness until the toes tingling anticipation, secret paper rustling, a cozy warm blanket until the ears, or simply nice-old-fashioned thoughtfulness ... "
Granted, the idea itself, I had a few encounters in Internet time, in another Ausführung. Das ist meine Version davon! ;-)
♥ ♥ ♥
I'd love to show you something I've made against the yearly stress before Christmas. Unfortunately it seems to be one of those days, Blogger likes to turn the picture... and that's something I DON'T like. Please see here .
Christmas always comes so suddenly. In the midst of all the PreChristmas hustle and bustle we always need to take a moment rest... and something to remind us a little bit of Christmas in our heart. Something that reminds us of what Christmas can be before we risk to plop under the tree, Completely exhausted. Things like scented Warmth, small candles Twinkling in the mysterious darkness, secret rustle of paper, a cozy warm blanket up to the ears, or simply That nice old-fashioned contemplation ... Merry Christmas! "
I've seen something like that somewhere in the internet, this is my own version of These idea.
I'd like to show you today something näpersin remind the Christmas atmosphere. Muta Blogger now wants to turn again All images, I can not get them neatly upright. So please be nice and look here.
Christmas comes ever so suddenly. Overall, Christmas time is a great commotion in the middle and then pause for a moment to remember ... that it will not be forgotten, attach this little heart to remind you of the rush of what Christmas can also be before you threaten to completely subside into exhausted under the Christmas tree. It reminds fragrant warmth of the candles tuikkeesta, mysterious darkness, head to toe until the tingly anticipation, little secrets, Räpina paper, drawn up into the ears of the blanket
... just to beautiful old fashioned Christmas Truce ... Christmas spirit into your heart!
PS. Also available in the above text in Finnish!
same type of stuff I have seen online, this is my version of this ;-)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How To Dress Like Keith Urban
am Sonntag, den 28.11. vom 12 to 18 Uhr in der
Rathausplatz 25, 3400 Klosterneuburg
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Drivers License Templates Wisconsin

Lempi has yet to get a mouth. All Lempis got a mouth. ♥ Some a stocking cap on their heads, some of it in hand. Some wear a flower or a snow star. But they all have small wings on the back. Also request a pin. A portion is flown here. ♥ Lempis The very first time I have shown here and here. I'm sure they would also look pretty Christmas tree! Meine wird wohl den Kranz schmücken.
PS. Ich habe zu den vorherigen Post etwas hinzugefügt!

Lempi has got a mouth. All Lempis did. ♥ Some wear a red Christmas elf cap, some carry it in the hand. Some of them carry a flower or a snow flake. T hey all have small wings on the back. On request a pin. Some of them flew already over here . ♥ My very first Lempis I've already shown here and here . I'm Sure They look cute is a Chistmas tree too! Mine Might get to decorate our Christmas wreath.
PS. I just edited the last post!

Favorite was then given orally. All Lempit receiving oral. ♥ Some of the elf hat away, toiet carry it in his hand. Some have hand huopakukkanen or snowflake. ♥ Everyone has small wings on the back! request, we may also be a needle. Some have flown here . ♥ very first Lempini can be found here and here. Might be cute for Christmas. I think mine come joulukranssin garnish.
PS. Just edited ed. post to ...

Making of Favorite. ;-) ♥
Monday, November 15, 2010
Francoforte Mappa Metro

Die Idee zu diesem Bild hat mir BastisRIKE geliefert , vielen ♥-lichen Dank, liebe Rike!
Sie macht die-schönsten wahnsinnig Stempel, die ich Ministry of Transport. Dazu wonderful photos - you blog is good!
people, I say: THE here by dottie angel fits perfectly. ready to release the needle! Immediately after the two Christmas markets where I am ...

It was bastisRIKE who gave me the idea to this picture, thank you Rike ♥ !
She absolutely makes the cutiest stamps I know. And fantastic photos. See more in her lovely blog !
EDIT: folks, I must say: THIS here from dottie angel fits perfectly with this picture! Need to get my crochet Hooks & Lace! After the two Christmas bazaars I'm on ...

BastisRIKE makes mm. just insanely wonderful stamps. He got the idea for this pikkutauluuni , thanks ♥ Rike! He also photographs beautifully. Sponsor check out her wonderful blog !
EDIT: Oh, my goodness! These Dottie Angel Light cans musical accompaniment, then complete the image! Hook in! joulumyyjäisten Immediately after ...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mobilephone Police Scanner

Wollt ihr wissen, was ich gestern (spät abends - siehe Schatten * g *) gemacht habe?!
PS. Hat nichts mit zu FAVORITE Tun.
A small picture quiz for you. Quess what I was making yesterday (late in the evening - see the shadows * g *)?
PS. Does not have to do with FAVORITE.
week's charade. What I did yesterday (late in the evening, cf. Parasols * g *)?
PS. Sila has nothing to do with Lempinen.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What Are Good Friend Quotes For Picnik

Kleine Füßchen. * Tiny feet. * Tiny feet.
Nicht noch ein Happiness, nein. * Not Another Luck, nope. * No, not yet another Fortune.

small Lempi.
Lempi, Finnish (poetic, old-fashioned) for "love."
Little Lempi.
Lempi, Finnish ( poetic ) meaning love.
Lempi, suomen. (Runollinen) rakkaus.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
not yet mature. Actually I can not decide on I like it better with or without a mouth. Why's will probably both. What do you think?
Edit: Eh, no, the first with cute smile are already ... And those without. Too.
I can not just decide if I like her better with or without a tiny mouth. That's why I might make both variations. What do you actually like better?
Edit: Oh, those first ones with mouth are so cute ... And still those without as well.
Ei mitään Viela sanomista. En millään OSAA päättää, tykkäänkö ilman niistä enemmän suuta yes pikkuisella hymyllä. Siksi teen ehkä molempia. Mita te tykkäätte?
Edit: hymysuun Voi, kun noista ekoista kivoja tuli, kun saivat. Yes noi on jotenkin myös ilman söpöjä. Apua.
Canola Oil And Margarine Equivalents

long time no hear! Hereby I spent my last few nights. Small plaques in size 5x5cm.
EDIT: The idea to hook the concerns I have seen anywhere on the Internet, unfortunately do not remember exactly where, Dawanda? But they were still different ...
I'm still here, folks. This is how I've spent a couple of evenings this week. Tiny pieces Measuring 5x5cm.
EDIT: These hooks were inspired by things I've seen somewhere in the web. Do not know where, sorry.
Hello, we're all here! Issues like puuhissa have gone a couple of evenings this week. Tiny pictures, size 5x5cm. Woe to the bar I got the idea somewhere online, but I do not remember where, sorry.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
How Long Does It Take An Aneurysm To Develop
and the beautiful view it
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Breastfeeding 0ld Man

Sie haben sich in den Bloggertreffen von Berlin am 23.10.2010 geschafft!
Dankeschön, liebe Frau Tonari!
Eine Frage an die neuen Onni Trager: merkt ihr es schon, das Glück!?
Onnis rock ...
They Were Able Thurs take part in the blogger meeting in Berlin 23.10.2010
Thank you, Frau Tonari!
Onnit trip to the world!
Onniremppa blog got a meeting in Berlin 23.10.2010,
Thank you my dear Frau Tonari!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Metalcore Wheels For Ssale

I just did. Seems Thurs Become a fine little day!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Increased Watery Cervical Fluid And Cramping