or? pushed and jostled slightly to a young girl. Of course I apologized. What was the reaction? "Maaaan, Juuuunngeeee!" (The "g" augesprochen hard!) And rustled from totally annoyed. Hää? Boy? Tucke stupid! I found this tutorial from MussChievous class for some time really, but never had the opportunity nachzuschminken it. Is not exactly everyday. Since the children in the school but yesterday celebrated carnival, I took the chance and make-up me to Sally. I'm not Verkleidungsfan, but such a special make-up make it. ;-) The kids were thrilled and now want to necessarily "Nightmare Before Christmas" and see the looks of the people on the way to work were also quite funny. On the way home I've still got a pizza and stopped briefly at the ice cream parlor. Yes, it is the center of the action with this face. ;-) anyone of you Celebrate Mardi Gras / Carnival, etc., or you go all the fuss even more against the grain? I would appreciate a thumbs up on. ;-)
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