Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Do My Scalp Itch When I Eat Spicey Food

Relaxing wool

crocheting I find so relaxing. (Even if it is of course sometimes in the shoulder. * G *)
Crocheting is relaxing Sun (Sometimes it does hurt you neck though ... * g *)
Virkkaus on sitten Niine rentouttavaa. (Vaikka tokihan välillä hartioihin ottaa ne * g *)

break But I should not appear all zu lange machen, Denn auch die Wolle an sich scheint entspannend zu sein, wenn auch eine (r) kann nicht häkeln ...
Was wird aus meiner Häkelei, Werde ich Euch auch zeigen nachher!

But I guess I shouldn't make a break & leave the work alone. The wool alone Seems To Be Pretty relaxing, evangelical Thurs someone WHO Can not crochet at all ...
When I'm finished, I'll show you what I made.

too long on my breaks did not, however, should be regarded as a soft wire seems to be relaxing as bad, which does not know how to crochet ...
When I get my work finished, I'll show some to you too!


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